Classes of Mail
Last Updated: Jan 30, 2025, 09:50 AM
First Class Mail
First class mail includes typewritten or handwritten material, carbon copies, form letters which have typed or handwritten insertions, and magnetic data tapes or computer diskettes.
First Class Presort
Qualifying first class letters containing at least 500 pieces of identical first class domestic mail may qualify for a cent discount if properly sorted and bundled by zip-code. For complete instructions, contact Campus Mail Service.
Registered Mail
Registered mail is available for the protection and insurance of first class mail. The fee depends on the value declared. Mail containing loose coins may not be registered unless the coinage is securely taped to a card.
Registered mail must be kept separate from the regular mail to insure proper handling. It should also be labeled, TO BE REGISTERED. Mail to be registered should be enclosed in a campus mail envelope and addressed to Campus Mail Service, 6899, Attention - Meter Supervisor.
A complete return address is required on registered mail. Registered mail cannot be sealed with any tape other than brown, glue-backed paper tape. Letters may not be attached on the outside of registered mail.
Registered mailpieces needing to be forwarded to another on-campus office--or to an off-campus address--should be endorsed to show the forwarding address and returned to Campus Mail Service, 6899, to be redirected.
Certified Mail
Certified mail provides proof of mailing only and can be used on mail that first class postage is paid. No insurance coverage is provided and foreign mail may not be certified.
Certified mail must be kept separate from the regular mail to insure proper handling. A complete return address is required on all certified mail. Certified mail must be sealed. It should also be labeled, TO BE CERTIFIED.
Send mailpieces to be certified to Campus Mail Service, 6899, to the attention of the meter supervisor.
Certified mail needing forwarded to another on-campus office-- or to an off-campus address--should be returned to the Campus Mail Service, 6899, in a campus mail envelope and marked, SPECIAL HANDLING.
Second Class Mail
Second class mail is a special rate provided for papers, pamphlets, books, etc. These materials must be published on a regular basis with a minimum of four issues each year. Applications to mail at the second class rate must be filed with Campus Mail Service. For additional information, contact Campus Mail Service.
Standard Mail (A)
Bulk Rate
Two hundred or more identical pieces of domestic printed matter can be mailed at a reduced rate if properly sorted. Contact Campus Mail Service prior to printing the mail piece if you plan to use bulk mail. A member of the Campus Mail Service staff will explain the procedures and requirements involved. A Postage Service Request form, as well as a CASS Certification Sheet and an unaddressed sample is required for all bulk rate mailings.