Outgoing USPS Mail

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Campus Mail Service affixes postage to outgoing mail for any University organization that has an operating account with the University. Organizations must submit information for their active accounts to Campus Mail Service so that they can be added to the billing system. Postage costs are charged to the University account that has been indicated by the attachment of a barcode slip copied from an original provided to them by Campus Mail Service. A barcode with the correct Department Postage Number (DPN) must be attached to the correct batch of mail in order for Campus Mail Service to properly process it and the return address must be an identifiable official University return address.

If a department utilizes more than one account for postage charges, mail for each account should be separated and a DPN attached for each account before it is picked up by a Campus Mail Service mail carrier. Indicate on all mail, other than first class pieces, the class of mail desired (refer to Classes of Mail).

Large quantities of outgoing mail requiring metered postage must be separated into domestic and international. Letter envelopes sent to Campus Mail Service that require sealing must be stacked with their flaps closed and facing the same direction. Any flats, or larger envelopes, should be sealed before they arrive at Campus Mail Service because the postage equipment cannot seal them.